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May 2018 Editorial

Editorial Cartoon: Reymark D. Banania

Barangay and SK Elections are fast approaching. The filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COC) is over and here comes the campaign period. However, are the candidates ready? Do they know what are the duties of the position they’re running for?

Papaarani na ang eleksyon. Handa na daw ang mga kandidato? Aram daw ninda kung ano ang trabaho kan posisyon na saindang pigdadalaganan?

A certain Tok Casulang posted on Facebook his opinion on what are the things an aspiring SK official should know and it went viral.  According to him, before running for an SK post, he must know how to write formal letters (business letters), draft a resolution, prepare budgetary plans and reports, make project proposals and of course, have a good and genuine relationship with people.

Yes, he has a point in stating the technicalities of being an SK official. Yet it must also be seen in the character of candidates the pure intentions of helping other people and honesty in serving them, our country and God.

The DILG Philippines Facebook page also posted the duties and power of barangay chief executive (barangay captain) based on the Local Government Code of 1991, Book III Section 389.

All revolved on the enforcement of laws, maintaining public order, making annual executive and supplemental budgets, protecting the environment, sports development, and other executive duties.

Those posts remind all of us, especially the candidates, of how barangay and SK officials should perform their duties as public servants.

Winning or losing is both for the candidates and the voters. We win for choosing the right person for the right position. We lose for choosing popularity, life debt, and/or money over capabilities of a candidate.

Ang kapangganahan buda pagkadaog bako sana para sa mga kandidato, kundi para man satuyang mga botante. Gana kita kung pinili ta su tamang tawo para sa tamang posisyon. Madadaog kita kung ang pipilion ta ang popularidad, utang na boot, buda kwarta imbes na kakayahan kan kandidato.

Choosing a candidate is not as easy as ticking a scoreboard of a volleyball game. It requires thinking critically, weighing and seeing things before making a decision.

In Manito, people are pleading to finally solve the lack of water supply in several areas, power supply, garbage disposal, overloading and a lot more.

Kurahaw kan mga tawo na sana masolusyunan na ang problema sa tubig, kuryente, basura, overloading buda iba pa digdi sa Manito.

Yes the main job is for the Sangguniang Bayan, and yet the Sangguniang Barangay should also be involved in solving these problems. Big or small, whether the youth is concerned or not, the Sangguniang Kabataan must also do their part as members of the community. And we must also cooperate and do our part to make this town as orderly as possible.

Attractive platforms, loud jingles, graceful waves, flowery words and beautiful smiles are to be seen and heard to lure the voters now that the campaign period has begun.

There’s nothing wrong about these. But we, as voters, must evaluate who among them has the pure intention of helping the public and who are worthy of our votes.

Magagayon na plataporma buda jingles, mabuburak buda mahahamis na panaramon, mga magayunon na ngirit ang maiiling buda madadangog ngunyan na karampanyahan. Bako man ini sala, pero dapat tatao kitang maghiling kung sisay ang may sinserong boot sa pagtabang sa publiko, na masasabi tang karapat-dapat na botohan ta.

What Manito needs today are leaders who will not just sit, but those who will stand and make solutions to the aforementioned problems we are facing.

Ang kaipuhan kan Manito, su lider na dai matangka, kundi maaksyon sa mga problemang haloy nang pigkakahampang kan munisipyo.

When we vote, we give our trust, we give them the right to lead us. So we should vote wisely, or we will suffer because of our wrong choice. AGAIN.

Pag nagboto kita, pigtatawan ta ki karapatan ang kandidato na maging lider ta. Pilion ta su karapat-dapat nganing dai kitang pagbasulan. NA NAMAN.

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